Thursday, February 18, 2010

If you do a painting using oil paints, how long should it take to dry?

Is there anything you need to add to the oil paint to speed up the drying process? thanks.If you do a painting using oil paints, how long should it take to dry?
Without a medium, oil paint can take up to six years to dry, experts believe that some of Van Goghs works might still be wet at the back, and they were painted 100 years ago.

You can add turpentine to the paint, just mix it through to make a wash that dries in a couple of hours. You can combine turps with linseed oil and that needs a couple of weeks to dry. You can also use liquin, a very handy quick-drying substance with a matt finish, and you can get this at most art supply shops.

Don't let anyone fob you off with white spirits, saying they are the same as turps - they are NOT. White spirits don't give you the same purity of colour with oil paint, they are only good for cleaning brushes, and even then only in well-ventilated areas.If you do a painting using oil paints, how long should it take to dry?

It will lake an Artist quality oil paint in a room temperature of average thickness %26lt;1'; about 6months to dry all the way through but will be dry to the touch after about 1-2months.

You can purchase Light dryng oil or add Linseed oil to your paints to increase total drying time but not touch drying time
Oils will take up ti 6 months to dry in the UK slightly shorter i warmer climates,you must leave it to dry naturally,dark colours will dry quicker than the yellows and oranges,but essentially you should leave an oil to dry for 6 months before varnishing,they may feel dry within a week but they`ll take much longer to set properly
Oil paint takes up to 12 months to dry properly depending on how thick you use it. You can buy quick drying oil paints and these can dry in a week depending on how thick you paint with them. I prefer acrylics as they dry in hours and have a larger range of colours.
Oil paint is a notoriously slow drying medium and there is little you can do to speed up the process. If you are impatient try acrylic--it is far easier to cover up your mistakes and it dries within minutes to hours.
It can be 2-3 weeks to 6 months depending on the thickness of the paint. If you throw it in the back window of the car, it takes about 2 days.
It will generally require a couple of days. Keep the painting in a well-ventilated area to speed the process.
you can add dryers to it- buy from the art store. Also there are lots of mediums and different oils you can mix in that dry at different speeds.

In warm dry weather thin paint takes about a day to be touch dry, thick paint can take months.
If you layered it on thick, it could take months to dry completely.

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