Thursday, February 25, 2010

How do you get oil paint to dry?

im doing an acrylic painting but im out of white, so i used my white tube of oil paint and the part that i used it wont dry! also, how do i get the white oil paint to lighten some of my colors that are acrylic? do they mix? what do you mix with oil paint so that it becomes less pastey? i really need an answer to my main question tho. only from those with experience pleaseHow do you get oil paint to dry?
water based and oil based colors never mix,it can lead to destroying of colored layer. There is special mediums for oil paintings,in special art materials shops,but you also can make them yourself...i recommend to put few drops of sicative in oil or turpentine oil,turpentine oil can be used alone also,it will faster drying process but i don't recommend it cause every organic solver can cause color damage,so it is best to mix them with oil.First important step you should do next time is to before you start painting to coat prepared canvas with medium you are going to paint with(if oil than oil,if acrylic and acrylic) than let it dry 2 days and than start painting.That way you make fine layer betweenn color and canvas,which protects,gives more elastic, and also saturate canvas so next layers will dry faster.How do you get oil paint to dry?
Oil paint and acrylic don't mix.

One is water based the other oil.

You can paint oils over dry acrylics but not the other way round.

You thin oils with turpentine, linseed oil or a medium like liquin.
Umm... ask it nicely?

You could try a hair-dryer...mind you don't set anything on fire, though...

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