Thursday, February 18, 2010

When doing an oil painting how do I get the paints to dry - painted on canvas. Thanks?

My daughter did one 3 days ago for school project and still not dry.When doing an oil painting how do I get the paints to dry - painted on canvas. Thanks?
Most colors should be dry to the touch within a week. It depends on the pigment, type of oil, quality and brand of paint. Painters wait 6 months for the paint to thoroughly dry before adding a final varnish.When doing an oil painting how do I get the paints to dry - painted on canvas. Thanks?
depending on the thickness of the paint, it can take up to 6 months to dry. If it's not thick, it will dry within a the touch. Next time, she can use a toxic product medium in a well ventilated area called Japan Dryer in with the paints in ratio paint: medium as stated on can....but this process MUST be done in well ventilated area,
Oil paints take forever to dry. Six months is a reasonable estimate for impasto style. To make oil paints dry faster, you can thin the paint with liquin and use very thin layers. Fans and air circulation can speed the process, maybe cutting the time in half (three months).
Actual oil paint takes a long time to dry. That's why when the great artists use it they could mix colour so well and get fantastic shades. If it's not dry soon, move it somewhere where it will get more exposure to the air. Other than that, there is nothing you can do to rush it. Great art takes time.
All answers are correct. Oil paints don't dry by evaporation, but through a chemical change. They're not as kid-friendly as acrylics, watercolor, tempera, etc.
oil paints take a very long time to dry. i did an oil painting once, and it took a week to fully dry. one way to speed up the process could be to sit it by a fan or an open window.
It needs sunlight. That will speed up the process. Otherwise, if the painting sits in a room with no windows and gets no natural light, it could take a long, long time.
It general takes about six months to dry but while you paint the picture you can use a drying agent that the local art store recommends it will help it to dry much faster
Expose the painting to a lot of air, it should be dry within the day.
dont panic they are talking about total drying, it will touch dry within a week

unless you bought cheap paint and it doesnt dry well

next time acrylic
Keep out in the sun at a safe place if thats possible or at a dry place in your home.

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