Thursday, February 18, 2010

How long on average do watercolour/acrylic/oil paint take to dry?

watercolors can either me minutes if the layer is thin or hours if the paper is made soaking wet.

Acrylics usually take 30 minutes for thin layers, and up to a day for thick layers.

Oils take much longer, 2-7 days to dry on the surafce, and up to a year to dry completely.

raw and burnt sienna's and umbers, along with yellow ochre take 2-3 days to dry for oils.

blues, yellows, blacks, titanium white and other mixtures take 4-6 days to dry

Alizarin crimson, permanent rose and other reds in oil paint take 7-8 days to dry. remember, thats only dry on the surface though.How long on average do watercolour/acrylic/oil paint take to dry?
It varies for all paints depending on just how thick the layers are, but there's an average. The brand and mediums and oils you add change drying time a lot too.

Watercolour: a couple of seconds to 3 weeks, on average it's completely dry overnight

Acrylic: A couple of seconds to several months. On average a painting will be dry over night or in a couple of days

Oil: Minutes to Years. On average some wait about a week between layers.

For very thin films, this time may be a few days, while films of 1/4 inch thickness or more will take months and even years to be completely dry.How long on average do watercolour/acrylic/oil paint take to dry?
Watercolour and acrylics - a few minutes to an hour.

Oil paint - that depends. If you thin it out with turpentine, it's dry in a couple of hours. If you use a mixture of turps and linseed oil, a few days. Linseed oil on its own, longer. No thinner whatsoever, up to six years.
My girlfriend ( whos got a bigger head than me , thus a bigger brain ) has said that a watercolour dries in about 24hrs proply ( thats how she spk , dont blame me lol ) .. acrylic takes around a week ..oil paints well ... she said a month .. hope this helps ..
Watercolor, less than an hour or so. Acrylic, depending on how thick or if retarders are used, a day or two. Oils can cure for up to 6 months or even a year or more.
Depends on atmosphere. Acrylics, minutes; watercolour, hours; oils. weeks.
watercolours 5 mins maybe

never used the others but longer, esp oil.

depends on thickness

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