Thursday, February 18, 2010

How to wash oil-based paint out of hair?

lolz. I was painting some outdoor furniture. Being my stupid self, I didn't wear a hat or anything and got paint all over my hair. %26gt;_%26lt; It's red paint, and on my lighter coloured hair, it looks pink. PINK. I would normally wash it out. Thing is... it's oil based and therefore, not water soluble. D=

haha so, anybody wanna help me out here? XD *is definitely gonna wear a hat tomorrow*How to wash oil-based paint out of hair?
baby oil might work. if that doesn't you'll need a solvent; and I don't recommend putting that in your hair.How to wash oil-based paint out of hair?
unfortunately, you need to use something like mineral spirits for oil pased paint and once it dries, you're SOL. however, if you get it clean out before it dries, you nee to use a good shampoo which will nourish it and a good conditioner to moisturize as mineral spirits really dries it out.
put some conditioner or oil on your hair, let it sit and they try to wipe it out..then wash...(or if you're brave...try some nail polish remover, acetone...don't let it sit, just wipe on and wash out..)
use gasoline or paint thinner and for something safe use olive oil

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