Thursday, February 18, 2010

How To Paint Indian Skin Tones With Oil Paint...?

Basically, I need this ASAP because my art exam is tomorrow, and i need to know how to make an Indian Skin Tone with the follow colours, and the amounts of each colour needed...

Titanium White, French Ultramarine, Cadium Red (Hue), Lemon Yellow, Yellow Ochre, Viridian (Hue), Crimson Alizarin, Burnt Sienna, Raw Umber %26amp; Ivory Black.

Thanks!How To Paint Indian Skin Tones With Oil Paint...?
You haven't left enough time, nor really do you have the right colours... but that's life huh? I'd mix t white, a little c red, yellow o and raw umber, a little at a time until you have roughly the hue you want. Then on the pallet, using this colour as a base use more white, blue, b sienna and your two yellows for highlights and shadows.

Try not to use the black, it'll look very dead in a portrait, instead for very dark areas mix b sienna and f ultramarine to make a dark, dark brown.

be careful with the alizarin crimson, as this has a very high tint ans can dominate the other colours you are using.How To Paint Indian Skin Tones With Oil Paint...?
i paint indians skin tones a lot and i would try to use the crimson and yellow, add as much blake or whit as you need. do some experimenting before your exam\1 good luck!

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