Sunday, February 21, 2010

How long does it take for oil paint to dry so i can put on a second coat?

i would love to get this railing painted before the kids get up in the morningHow long does it take for oil paint to dry so i can put on a second coat?
It should say on the can. But, generally you should wait 24 hours between coats. The problem with not waiting long enough is that the solvents in the paint can melt the outer layer of the previous coat, causing wrinkling or blistering.How long does it take for oil paint to dry so i can put on a second coat?
16 hours, unless your in a hot climate. It also depends on how thick you have applied it. Also, the more new coats that have been applied the longer it takes because the coats underneath are still curing.

On a warm day, first new coat, if it's touch dry in two hours then you could put a second on in 4 or more hours, but you couldn't do that with subsequent coats.

So if you haven't applied it as thick as jam, it's been touch dry for a couple of hours, there are no other newly painted coats underneath, its inside - then do it. If it's outside the second coat needs time to become touch dry before the sun goes down ,otherwise it can stay wet overnight and that can be a problem.
if you havent painted the rail yet there is a product called japan dryer that speeds up the drying time of oil paint so that you can recoat within two hours . Great Product

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