Thursday, February 18, 2010

How long does it take artist's oil paint to dry?

I've started painting a picture and after 6 days the paint is still not dryHow long does it take artist's oil paint to dry?
it depends on the tempature, humidity and how thickly you applied the paint. Using stand oil with lengthen the drying process, using turpentine with shorten the drying time.How long does it take artist's oil paint to dry?
atleast in a month or 2
Depends on how thick the paint was applied. Get a de humidifier or try using a blow dryer on it.
Depends on the humidity, try moving it to a dryer location.
Ten days will usually do, and 14 days must be enough, unless you did one of 2 things, put on very thick impasto, or add too much linseed oil to your pigments. Thin turpsy paint dries in half an hour.

If you did something as above, no problem, just leave it for a few more days. I usually work on about 7 paintings at any time, just in case I want to glaze, which must be done onto dry paint. Otherwise, you can just work into the wet. Remember that the slow drying of oil paints is its most valuable quality as it allows wet-in-wet work.
How thick was the paint applied? Some paints will dry faster than others and with time you will learn which ones they are and how to use them. I don't apply my paint too thick so my drying time is usually about ten to fourteen days. Dry enough to safely handle but by no means completely dry. If you are going to apply varnish they suggest you wait six months to a year before doing so. My work can be checked out at under the name GUERRO.
its depend on medium use by, and thickness of paint ,

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