Thursday, February 18, 2010

How do I go about beginning to oil paint?

I would like to begin to oil paint. How do I go about doing this? I am going to learn it on my own so no classes. What kind of supplies should I get to start out with? What kind of supplies will I probably need in the future as I get into it? I live between two different places so I need something portable and possibly something that could sit in a warm locker. What kind of paper do you use with oils?How do I go about beginning to oil paint?
you again? Your going to need thinner. Paint thinner. They make a small glass jar with a coiled piece of wire inside of it. Its not to big and will if in that tackle box. Pour your thinner in this. the coiled wire inside it to run your brush across to clean the brush quicker. Paper? With oils? I dunno.They make a type of canvas paper for oils that comes in a pad like sketch paper. Remember a little oil paint goes a LONG way.Buy the big tubes of basic colors (comes out cheaper) and mix what you need (color wheel..though I never really used one) RAGS! you wont know why you need the rags for about a year...but trust me you will need them. Buy the combo pack of oil brushes for now. Yes they are cheap. But then look at the prices of the single oil brushes (17 dollars for a three haired brush????) and you get my meaning. makes sure you get a couple of wide brushes and a few small ones. Youll see why later. Pretty exciting!!! REMEMBER! it takes time. I say about 6 months for oils. little longer for acrylics(which I still hate) before you know how to handle them. SO dont give up!!!

NEXT!!!How do I go about beginning to oil paint?

Supplies all depends on what kind of a painter you want to be. Do you want texture and want to use a lot of paint? Then you probably want palette knives. If you like the look of strokes then brushes are best (they even make brushes specifically for oil, although most anything will work- it might just be more difficult). Of course you will need a set of oil paints- I would start off with the basic colors and then buy more as you progress. Oil paintings are typically done on canvas- whether it is sheets of canvas of stretched canvas over boards is up to the artist. You can buy a bag of some sort to put all your supplies in and oil paints are probably alright to leave in your locker- mainly because it takes forever and a day for them to dry.
Best supplies one can get to learn how to paint is a charcoal or graphite pencil. If one cant draw, one cant paint and not call it abstract.

If you feel like you can draw, then all you need is red. blue. ylw, wht %26amp;blk a few brushes and somthing to paint on. Since you are abeginner, I'll give you the best lil quote someone once told me. ';In order to learn a lil about painting, you first must produce 100 paintings.'; Meaning with experience and milage, youll learn, without it, youll be just like every artist out there when they started, confused and a bit frustrated, ... just dont worry about it and have fun.

I recommend the purchase of the Bob Ross Master kit. It includes just about everything you need except a palette, canvas and an easel. It has paint, brushes, instructions and a DVD. His technique is easy to follow and you finish an entire painting in just a few hours. Then if you find you like the technique there are lots of books and videos available to continue.
you usually use canvas or art board that you can get at any store. just get what you want and experiment. otherwise there are tons of books that can help you.
You can purchase DVD's on how to paint with oils, I recommend Len Hend Speed Painting available to purchase online, this will give you a quick result you will be pleased with, also tells you which materlial you need, then you can progress to more difficult styles.
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